
The 2024 Have Yourself A Mary And Manly Little Christmas Sweepstakes Tickets

The Mary & Manly Little Christmas Grand Prizes

Remember all Grand Prize Tickets and Grand Prizes won can be “Paid Forward” to any recipient the purchaser or winner would like so be Charitable this Advent!

PLEASE NOTE!! This Contest is open EXCLUSIVELY to our Founders Pass Members to play! If you’re not a Founders Pass Member we would LOVE for you to become one today and during this promotion as we countdown to America’s 250th Birthday in 2026, you can purchase a 3 month, FP Membership for $17.76! with a valid email address! No gimmicks, no hidden fees, just click the JOIN NOW! button below, fill the membership application and in the coupon box type in: MARY, click the submit button and you’re in!

The Custom Made AR-15 Grand Prize!

With a stock that is autographed by Mike Church and a body that is custom made by Daedelus Tactical, this is sure to be our most popular and useful Grand Prize drawing EVER! AND in addition to being able to purchase an individual ticket, you can also purchase 6 tickets for the price of 5 for $50.00 and quintuple your chances of winning (you can buy as many tickets as you want)!


“Mary” – Grand Prize For Ladies

This package is for the woman in your life who is looking to work on her faith in the upcoming year. Prizes included are:

“The Summa Domestica: Order and Wonder in Family Life” 3 book set by Lelia Lawler

A 2025 Liturgical Daily Planner From Blessed Is She!

A Beautiful 1 of a kind Spanish Mantilla Veil from Veils By Lily

A beautiful , custom make rosary, crafted by The Little Bayou Rosary Company in Madisonville, LA.

“Mary” Grand Prize For Girls

This family centric package is for the mother and daughter who want to share time cooking and playing. Prizes included are:

A beautiful Dolls From Heaven Mary of Nazareth doll. Includes the book “She is Mary” and a traditional blue dress.

Daring Book For Girls

Make Your Own Rosaries! Starter Kit For Girls

A Hand Made Miraculous Medal Bracelet


“Manly” Grand Prize For Boys

This family centric package is for the father and son who want to share time learning to shoot and cook. Prizes included are:

A Daisy Red Ryder BB Gun for Dad and a Daisy Red Ryder BB Gun for Junior. Don’t shoot your eye out!!

A Daisy Red Ryder BB Gun Starter Kit includes carrying case, 2 barrels of BB’s targets and more (not shown)

The Dangerous Book For Boys

Chronicles of The Saints Volumes 1-5!

1 Bottle of World famous KingDude’s Beast and Butt Rub.

“Manly” Grand Prize For Men

JUST ADDED THIS TO THE PRIZE PACK!! A $125 value Custom-made, gourmet cutting board from McClure Tables etched with The KingDude’s Walsingham West Logo!


This package is for the man looking to enjoy the finer things in life, Great Food, Great Cigars and Proper, Masculine Attire!. Prizes included are:

A 7 oz Micro Fleece Full Frontal Zipper with Mancipium Mariæ “A Knight Kneels” Embroidery

The Books 12 Rules For Manliness and Slaying Dragons

A beautiful, custom made “CRUSADER” rosary, from Rugged Rosaries.

A custom engraved Walsingham West Project McClure Cutting Boards maple cutting board.

A set of 4 custom engraved Walsingham West slate coasters.

World famous KingDude Beast and Butt Rub.

The Prayer Plaque Paque

These beautiful etchings of the Ave Maria, Pater Noster and Gloria on gorgeous planks of Cherry wood come complete with a Pray Latin Prayer Card set, a St Therese of Liseux prayer card a Norman Faucheux Prayer Card set and more. The plaques have “keyhole” slots drilled/carved into their backsides and are ready for framing. Sanctify and Beautify your home with this ultimate Prayer Plaque & Prayer Card Set!


The Coffee Lovers Gourmet Brew Festival Set!

For the coffee snob who is in search of that perfect cup of morning coffee served in a perfect mug from a perfect French Press, here you go! We start with a 1 Walsingham West Project Hand Made 16oz Mug which you can fill up with coffee fresh, French Press brewed in a Poliviar, 34 oz Press and thermos! We are throwing in 3, 12 oz bags of our favorite whole bean coffees!

1 12 Oz Bag of Twin Pikes “Cafe St. Louis” Blend

1 12 Oz Bag Capuchin Dark Roast

1 12 Oz Bag Abbey Roast Roma

This set also comes with a Glory Bee™ handmade St. Drago Coffee scoop!


The 2022 Have Yourself a Mary Little Christmas Tickets

The grand prize drawings will be held on Tuesday, December 20th!

ALL of your ticket purchases benefit the CRUSADE Channel’s end of year Crowdfunding campaign thanks to the generosity of those who donated all of our prizes!

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The Mary & Manly Little Christmas Grand Prizes

Mary Prize Package #1

This package is for the woman in your life who is looking to work on her faith in the upcoming year. Prizes included are:

  • “The Summa Domestica: Order and Wonder in Family Life” 3 book set by Lelia Lawler
  • “Theology of Home II: The Spiritual Art of Homemaking” by Carrie Gress and Noelle Mering
  • “The Red Hot Chilly Prepper: Survival Series” by Suzanne Sherman
  • The Materinity of Mary Leather Rosary Pouch, hand made by Oré Moose Company in Mankato, MN.
  • A beautiful , custom make rosary, crafted by The Little Bayou Rosary Company in Mandeville, LA.

Mary Prize Package #2

This family centric package is for the mother and daughter who want to share time cooking and playing. Prizes included are:

  • A beautiful Dolls From Heaven Mary of Nazareth doll. Includes the book “She is Mary” and a traditional blue dress.
  • A custom engraved Walsingham West Project McClure Cutting Boards maple cutting board.
  • World famous KingDude Beast and Butt Rub
  • A rich, award winning bag of Abbey Roast Gourmet Coffee

Mary Prize Package #3

This premium package is designed to celebrate genuine, Catholic patriotic life. Prizes included are:

  • A stunning, handmade quilt, donated by a Crusade Channel listener. This is the quilt you remember from days past. This is a nostalgic piece of Americana for the 21st century.
  • “National Divorce: The Peaceful Solution to Irreconcilable Differences” book by Tom Woods.

Manly Prize Package #4

This package is for the man looking to dive deep into the history and future of the Catholic Church. Prizes included are:

  • “The Liturgical Year” 15 volume set by Dom Prosper Guéranger, O.S.B. This paperback set features detailed information on the Catholic Mass, saints, holy days of obligation, liturgical seasons and more.
  • The Maternity of Mary Leather Rosary Pouch, hand made by Oré Moose Company in Mankato, MN.
  • A beautiful, custom make rosary, crafted by The Little Bayou Rosary Company in Mandeville, LA.

Manly Prize Package #5

This family centric package is for the father and son who want to share time learning to shoot and cooking. Prizes included are:

  • A Daisy Red Ryder BB Gun. Don’t shoot your eye out!!
  • A custom engraved Walsingham West Project McClure Cutting Boards maple cutting board.
  • A set of 4 custom engraved Walsingham West slate coasters.
  • World famous KingDude Beast and Butt Rub.

Manly Prize Package #6

This premium package is designed to celebrate genuine, Catholic patriotic life. Prizes included are:

  • An Axiom II Red Dot Sight + QD Mount Bundle to help improve your shot accuracy.
  • A pair of Ridge Ballistic Sunglasses
  • A set of 4 custom engraved The Armed Catholic slate coasters.
  • “National Divorce: The Peaceful Solution to Irreconcilable Differences” book by Tom Woods.

Surprise Me Prize Package #7

If you just can’t decide which prize package you want to choose, this ticket package gets you 1 ticket in each prize package. 6 tickets for $50.00