PDF Digital Download English Reformation – Edited and Compiled by Mike Church – Introduction written by Joseph Pearce
Book Description: The English Reformation is quite possibly the most misunderstood and thus misconstrued religious era in human history. The urban legend holds that English Catholics were sick of“papal tyranny” and threw in with heroic, protestant “reformers” to save Christianity from the evil, illegitimate Catholic Church. This little book, with no reference or debate over theology, entirely and completely refutes this false narrative. Father Culkin takes the reader on a 13 chapter crash course in what really happened using the historical record and over 400 years of scholarship on the subject. As the rising threat of Islam grows, Christians will need to rejoin the universal Church, restore solidarity and discover that the Faith of their English ancestors was well placed and well loved, in the Roman Catholic Church.
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What others had to say about this book:
“The martyred saints of Reformation England are but a handful of the many holy souls who chose death and the glory of martyrdom over submission to a secularist tyranny which had sought to destroy religious liberty. Their story is all too little known in our age of ignorance and arrogance. This being so, the publication of this wonderful little book, first published more than sixty years ago, is as timely as it is welcome. Presenting a panoramic overview of the entire period, it serves as a wonderful entry point into learning the true history of the English Reformation. With precise scholarship and accessible prose, Father Culkin brings the Tudor period to life in thirteen concise episodes, easily digestible in just a few hours reading. This new edition will bring Father Culkin’s work to a new generation of readers, with additional scholarship provided by Mike Church, for whom we are to thank for the resurrection of this priceless little gem of historical truth-telling.” – Joseph Pearce, Editor The St Austin Review
“• • • brilliant and scholarly. .”—Hugh Ross Williamson in The Catholic Herald.
“• • • it is excellently done.”—Blackfriars.
“• • • brief, clear and accurate.”—Douai Magazine.
“• • • a little study to be commended.” —The Friend: the Quaker Weekly Journal.
“• • • brief but balanced, and extremely well written.”—Christian Democrat.
“Accurate, balanced, lucid and exciting.” —The Mercat Cross.
“• • • it is all here in a hundred readable, scholarly pages.”—The Sower.
“• • • emphatically a book which every teacher, every priest and every student should read.”—Ushaw Magazine.
“• • • admirably suited to give an enquirer a simple but clear idea of what the English Reformation was.” — The Month