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The Devil and Communist China: From Mao Down to Xi


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The Devil and Communist China: From Mao Down to Xi

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    The Devil and Communist China: From Mao Down to Xi

    by: Steven W Mosher

    About The Book: As Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn said, “Within the philosophical system of Marx and Lenin, and at the heart of their psychology, hatred of God is the principal driving force, more fundamental than all their political and economic pretensions.” This is certainly true of the leaders of the Communist “dynasty” that currently rules China. Chairman Mao, the founder of the Red Dynasty, proudly referred to himself as wu fa wu tian—a Chinese phrase meaning that he was both Godless and lawless. His hatred of God was matched only his rejection of all authority other than his own.

    The current occupant of the Dragon Throne, Xi Jinping has a thriving personality cult, including a Xi Jinping app that everyone must have on their phones which downloads daily readings from Xi’s speeches and writings. Churches are being turned into “Civilization Practice Stations for the New Era”, their Bibles confiscated and replaced with Xi’s collected works, sermons replaced with political indoctrination of the “Thou shalt have no other gods before you than the CCP” kind. Pictures of Jesus Christ are taken down and replaced with pictures of Chairman Mao and Secretary Xi.

    In The Devil and Communist China, Steven Mosher lays out in great detail the diabolical self-aggrandizement with deep roots in Chinese ancient political theory, called Legalism, which established the prototype for the totalitarian rule that the Chinese people suffer under today. It is perhaps no accident that the red dragon has been, since the founding of China as a unified country in 220 BC, as the archetypal symbol of that country. The Devil’s false promise has always been “You shall be as Gods,” and China’s leaders down to the present day continue to make this Faustian bargain, to the detriment of the Chinese people and—ultimately—their own souls.

    Parental Warning: This book contains graphic language and material that may not be suitable for kids or teens because evil is ugly, vile, and reprehensible. Our goal is to accurately portray these characters in reality which may, at times, include some of their more despicable characteristics.

    Weight 1.2 lbs


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