This product is made exclusively for the Crusade Channel and it’s wonderful listening audience. Get your bag of whole bean Capuchin Holy Roast Gourmet Coffee coffee today.
Product Description:
“We’ve been sourcing, roasting and preparing outstanding coffee from around the world since 2006.” – Kyle, owner of Abita Roasting
Every morning at Studio St. Michael as we prepare The Mike Church Show, we are blessed to enjoy the finest coffees being roasted and blended in the world. From my friend’s the Cornell’s and Twin Pikes Roastery and La Eterna Guatemala Roast to the bold and beautifully aromatic Roma Roast from the Benedictine Brothers at Abbey Roast, we drink great coffee! Recently, I met up with an old friend of mine Kyle from Abita Roasting Company at his restaurant here in Madisonville and we got to talking coffee and what it would take to make a new blend for The Mike Church Show and our amazing listeners.
After many carafes of various French-pressed coffees Kyle introduced me to the most unique little coffee bean I’d ever seen: the Ethiopian Yirgachheffe bean and suggested we make a blend of Arabica and Yirgacheffe. I was so blown away by the amazing smell of this blend as it brews that I practically flew home to show Maggie O’Connell. The next morning I ground then and brewed a pot and after just one cup, we agreed: this was one heckuva blended coffee and we can’t wait to share it with you!
Then, more time was spent on the naming, labeling and packaging of this roast to make the entire experience a joy for our listeners and their family and friends to enjoy. We think you’ll enjoy Kyles signature finishing touch to all his hand-roasted coffees: the Made in the USA Brass bag clip which perfectly and stylishly seals each bag.
We think you are going to absolutely love my Capuchin Holy Roast and will make it a regular part of whenever you drink coffee, especially when you’re enjoying The Mike Church Show!
Not much is know precisely on how and when the Franciscan brothers “discovered coffee” but we do know that at the Siege of Vienna when the Mohammedans were routed by Jon Sobieski and fled back to Turkey they left their galleys and everything in them. One of the staple items found in nearly every galley were coffee beans and the kits used to grind and brew them into a beverage. Aletia has this version of the history of the Cappucino.
“Founded in 1525 by Matteo Bassi, the Capuchin order was an offspring of the Franciscan movement that was dedicated to rediscovering the original values of poverty and simplicity that had inspired St. Francis in the 13th century. Capuchins choose a simple brown hooded robe and white cord belt as their dress, and allegedly got their name as local children would call them “cappuccini” (the equivalent of “hoodies”) to mock their long pointed hoods. Today, there are an estimated 11,000 Capuchin friars, and some of the most notable Capuchin saints include Padre Pio.
The exact date in which the term “cappuccino” was first used to describe coffee is less clear. Some argue that its origins go back to 1680s, when Austrian Emperor Leopold I took on a Capuchin friar, Marco D’Aviano, as a confidant. That’s when Viennese coffee shops started to make “kapuzin” coffee. Others argue that the term originated in 1930s Italy, when the invention of the espresso machine made the modern version of “cappuccino” possible.
Either way, it is to the brown and white dress of Capuchin friars that we owe the name of one the world’s most loved coffee drinks!”
Weight | 1.75 lbs |
Coffee Type | Ground, Whole Bean, Decaf |
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kingdude –
This is the first gourmet coffee whose price is right and it is consistently delicious. It brews up delicious & rich with a dark color and chocolate smooth finish.
Scott Resnik (verified owner) –
This coffee is some of the best coffee I have ever had. It has ruined big box “gourmet” coffee beans for me. The aroma of grinding these beans makes my kitchen smell like a high end coffee house every time I brew it. The flavor is full and well rounded. On top of all that, it is good to know the sale of this coffee goes to support a good cause (Collegium Sanctorum Angelorum).
bpkoch (verified owner) –
One of the great coffees offered in the FTP. We like the robust dark roast flavor and it’s in our “Crusade Channel Coffee Rotation”. Definitely a staple here.